
It just makes sense that there is a male version of menopause.

Manopause, or as it was first termed in research, Andropause, affects men between the ages of 40-65. This age range seems much larger than what is given for women going through menopause but if you consider what we know about hormone changes in women and perimenopause, the range is probably similar. Symptoms of manopause are not as drastic as the symptoms many women experience with menopause. There are no blatantly obvious hot flashes that often leave a woman drenched in sweat, red faced, and mentally blank. For men it is more subtle and therefore often overlooked. Instead men may be labeled as depressed, or unmotivated, stressed, overworked etc. Just like with any disruption in health balance, this can deeply affect a man in his life. 

Symptoms can be loss of muscle mass, weight gain around the middle, depression, a seeming lack of motivation, forgetfulness, less interest in sex, a more difficult time obtaining and maintaining an erection, sleep disruption, irritability and other symptoms.

Many men find it difficult if not nearly impossible to find a healthcare provider who will accurately assess and address the issue.

Hormone changes trigger most of the issues with manopause. Testosterone drastically declines and many men have higher estrogen levels. In fact many middle aged men will have higher estrogen levels than their menopausal female partner. Cortisol levels may be off as well further adding to fatigue, sleep disruption and weight gain. 

Treating it is as simple as identifying the issue, running some labs and making diet and lifestyle changes along with appropriate supplements and sometimes the use of hormones such as Testosterone.

Just like menopause, manopause needs to be recognized as an issue that affects quality of life and overall health and should be treated to help re-establish the quality of life each man desires. 

If you are curious to see if you have any of the symptoms of manopause there is a quick test, easily found online, called the ADAM test.  If none of the questions remotely apply to you, then manopause is not your issue but if several could apply or do apply then it is probably worth your time to investigate. 



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