What Exactly is NAD+ and Why Do We Need It?

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) is a coenzyme present in every cell of the body, essential for energy production, metabolism, and overall body function. Recently, NAD+ has gained attention for its potential to slow or reverse aging by essentially programming our cells to act younger and repair damaged DNA. Researchers have long sought ways to extend not just life expectancy, but also the quality of life in later years. NAD+ could be a critical piece of that puzzle.

One of the most significant benefits of NAD+ is its potential to improve the quality of life as we age. While life expectancy has increased over the decades, the quality of life has not always kept pace. Many elderly individuals struggle with poor health, requiring medications and hospitalizations. NAD+ may offer a solution to help people live longer while maintaining good health and avoiding issues like joint replacements or mobility aids.

Additional Benefits of NAD+:

  1. Hair and Skin: Studies have shown that when hair loss occurs with age, NAD+ levels are often depleted. NAD+ is also used to reduce skin wrinkles.

  2. Metabolism and Weight Loss: NAD+ supports a faster metabolism and fat burning.

  3. Cognitive Function: NAD+ protects the brain and is used to treat cognitive decline.

  4. Immune Response and Inflammation: NAD+ boosts immune response and decreases inflammation.

  5. Athletic Performance: NAD+ improves performance and recovery time.

  6. Mental Health: NAD+ helps with proper neurotransmitter production and function, improving anxiety and depression.

  7. Addiction Treatment: NAD+ is used in addiction therapy.

How to Replenish NAD+:

Currently, NAD+ is not bioavailable in oral form. However, products like NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) or NR (Nicotinamide Riboside) can be taken orally or sublingually to help produce NAD+. Another option is to receive NAD+ intravenously at a clinic like Essential Health or via prescription for weekly injections into the muscle or subcutaneously (injections into belly or thigh fat), typically administered 2-3 times per week.

As research into cellular senescence, exosomes, stem cells, and NAD+ continues, the idea of humans living to 120 or older in good health seems increasingly possible. By understanding and harnessing the potential of NAD+, we may be able to unlock the secrets to a longer and healthier life.